My writing has been chosen for book about “Successful Women in Business”
I’m really celebrating being chosen to write a chapter for a book entitled Successful Women in Business. Not only has my chapter been chosen for inclusion in the book, but excerpts from the chapter are being used for the book launch.
As a freelance journalist, I write for local newspapers and magazines, promote businesses, people and events in the national media and social media and on my website and Facebook page:
My strapline is ‘I poke my nose into other people’s business and then make up stories about them.’ I usually write stories about other people but, for this book, I am writing about my own personal experiences. I am thrilled to have my writing recognised and included in such an inspirational and thought-provoking book. I have always wanted to write my own book, but have never had the time. This is the next best thing!”
The book, which has been launched by The Energy Healing Magazine and published by Lovely Silks Publishing, has been compiled to help female entrepreneurs on their journey to success in their business. Jacqueline Rose, editor of The Energy Healing Magazine said: “Women entrepreneurs are rarely satisfied with the status quo. During the course of researching this book, we have come to realise that breaking down barriers for women in the workplace is key to success for companies and for countries.
“That’s the message we hope readers will pick up from this book. When more and more women are seen at the top of organisations and running high growth technology businesses, the more this will be regarded as the standard and a perfectly normal and logical path to choose.”
The other Thought Leaders who contributed to the book are: Renee Catt, Suzi Chen, Emma Coleman, Catherine Craig, Rebecca Carroll-Bell, Alexa Doman, Marie Friend, Carly Hooper, Lucy Jeffrey, Junko Kemi, Christine Khor, Honey Lansdowne, Tamika Martin, Lorena Obert, Rosie Shalhoub, Linda Stewart, Judith Treanor and Debi Wallbank. Successful Women in Business tells the real-life stories of business women who have mastered their individual fields such as well-being, balancing home and work life, retail, life coaching and more.
Delphine Beaumont, the Community Manager at The Energy Healing Magazine said: “Through perseverance, determination and a refusal to accept second best the 19 women showcased in this book will have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to become an inspiration to countless women across their professions and, in many cases, the world!”
Copies of the highly enlightening book can be ordered from: or contact me at
To read the whole chapter written by Chris Roberts MBE and included in the book: Successful Women in Business, go to